You hear the words "Art project." What do you think of?
Well when it comes to Interior Design at WSU Tech, it isn't painting a pretty picture. Way different.
"Art Project" at WSU Tech is you are given a painting and you have to design around it.
My painting is going to be below. It is going to be hard to design this, because we have two weeks, and we aren't just designing it. We are also writing design statements, putting together a board, make a time sheet, and write a letter of agreement. This stuff takes time. And I can't really focus with a lot of noise. So I'm going to be spending a lot of time telling my siblings to be quiet so I can get work done. Or maybe I can ask to use the back room at the library. Or I could ask if I can come to Wichita to spend time at the campus, because it's quiet when we aren't in class. Sorry to my classmates, but you are being pretty loud. And it is distracting. Not that you guys will actually see this. I don't think anyone really reads this. Great. Now I'm sad.
If you actually read this blog to the end, leave me a comment and let me know. Otherwise I'm going to probably stop blogging. If people actually read this then I will try to post on a regular basis. But I don't know. I need to see if I can find out how to check my viewerbase. But hey, that's life! As far as pageants go, I am going to do it again next summer. I'm actually prepping as best as I can. But it will be awhile before I get my Judge's comments. And a good dose of reality... Don't get me started!
As far as reality goes, it is... reality. In life you are given deadlines, too much work, and not enough information to get it all done correctly. Why do you think that is? Because the teachers want you to communicate with them. In class, everyone talks to their classmates, but almost never talk to the teachers. Let's fix this shall we? Next time you are in class, don't talk to your classmates. I know it's tempting, but resist the temptation. It will be a lot more productive. Trust me! If you want to get something done, don't talk about it, and just do it! If you make use of classtime, you might actually get a really good grade. I have friends that complain about not getting good grades, and when I ask what they do in class, they say "Talk to my friends." I am literally rolling my eyes right now. If you spend class time working on school work, guess what? 1. You will get better grades, 2. you won't have as much homework, and 3. Your parents won't be bugging you to do better in school. BONUS!!!! ANyway, I have class in a bit. So here is the picture, and I hope you have a good week!
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