The New Stuff

So I have changed my blog up a bit with the help of a friend, (Thanks Kaitlyn!) and can't wait to get to work on my new posts.  Stuff should be going up on Mondays, since I have time on Mondays between college classes. If you want to know more about me as a person, I have added an "About Me" page, so you can actually find out something about me rather than wonder.  So, the next thing... What do y'all want to see? Let me know in the comments,  and we can start working together. Sound good? I will be doing some posts on sports, and stuff that I do, but y'all should have a voice too!  So, I'll let you get back to reading blogs, like you have been doing. Enjoy! 😁😁                       ~Tabby~

Question...What Movie Am I excited For?

                         Answer: METAMORPHOSIS!!!!!!!!

This is a movie in production at the moment, and is done by Great Light Studios. If you want to check them out, I will put the links at the end of this post. I can't wait to see this movie, and not just because my brothers are in it. It is a Christian documentary, about two men who were in a life full of violence, drugs, alcohol, and more. If you want to check out this movie, let me know in the comments, and I'll see what I can do. I want to watch this movie, because it is based on two lives, that are about as bad as they are portrayed in this film, if not worse. I would like to see what the Plugged In movie reviews critics would say. If you ever wonder "Should I let this kid watch this movie" check out what Plugged In says. I usually turn to them if I'm not sure about a movie.

But seriously, I am SO excited for this movie, that I can't stop talking about it now. I hope you will check out Great Light Studios. I fully support what they are doing, and am happy to say that I know the full staff there. (Mostly because there aren't very many people there;) See ya! Tabitha.

Great Light Studios YouTube Channel: 
Metamorphosis Trailer:

Hope you like! Tabitha.


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