The New Stuff

So I have changed my blog up a bit with the help of a friend, (Thanks Kaitlyn!) and can't wait to get to work on my new posts.  Stuff should be going up on Mondays, since I have time on Mondays between college classes. If you want to know more about me as a person, I have added an "About Me" page, so you can actually find out something about me rather than wonder.  So, the next thing... What do y'all want to see? Let me know in the comments,  and we can start working together. Sound good? I will be doing some posts on sports, and stuff that I do, but y'all should have a voice too!  So, I'll let you get back to reading blogs, like you have been doing. Enjoy! 😁😁                       ~Tabby~

Dress Shopping... What a disappointment!

Question: So, what ISN'T at a thrift store???

Answer: My winning dress for National American Miss.

So yesterday, I went dress shopping with my mom, and we went to 10 different stores looking for "The Dress."  Guess what we didn't find? So most of yesterday afternoon was a wash. A rub. A failure. So... Next up, Consignment Shops! SO MUCH FUN!!!! I'm still $500 away from my sponsorship fee, and the pageant is two weeks away. WHAT AM I DOING WRONG HERE?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I really want to be in the pageant, and at least do well enough to say that I'm not a complete failure. But that is what it looks like the results will be. Complete. Utter. FAILURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But to quote one of my favorite lines, and I have no idea where I picked it up "Iss awll goooooood!" So here we go! Hopefully I will succeed next week when I go shopping. But for now NADA! ZILCH! ZERO! ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!!! So if you know of a cheap way to NOT buy something online, let me know. I WOULD GREATLY APPRECIATE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Ugh, yeah, finding the right dress for a specific occasion is really hard. ;P


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